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Friday, October 15, 2010

Behind The Smiles

It was another though day. Today is finals week so I, together with my college friends have been stressful these days. Aside from that, I have to consider my rehearsals in ASAP. Unlike my PBB friends, I am not so seen in TV since I chose to have a full load in school. I have to do it for my family. Showbiz is not permanent. Aside from that, a lot of people didn’t like me when I was in PBB.

It hurts, I admit. I can’t understand their reasons for hating me so much. Up until now, they still brag the issues I have with Tricia when it’s now over. Tricia and I are not close, but we became friends. In fact, there were times that she stood up for me. There’s also the issue with James. I can’t believe that I am branded as a flirt because I became too close to him.

But I am Devon. I am bubbly. I am cheerful. I can’t allow someone to see that I am weak. For my family, for the friends I gained, for the people who believed in me despite of my shortcomings. If they see me breakdown, they will surely worry about me. And that is the least thing that I want to happen. So for them, I have to show my brightest smile.

Even if the pain is too much for me not to cry.
